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ICANN Seeks Expressions of Interest for Review of Accountability Mechanisms

11 de marzo de 2012

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The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is seeking expressions of interest to serve on a committee of independent experts to review ICANN's Accountability Mechanisms.

The Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT), organized under the Affirmation of Commitments, recommended that ICANN convene a group of experts to review ICANN's Reconsideration and Independent Review Processes, such as the costs and spectrum of Board decisions subject to review. The ATRT also suggested that the group of experts review additional proposed mechanisms suggested in 2009 by ICANN's President's Strategy Committee. Finally, the ATRT called for a review of the standards for bringing a Request for Reconsideration.

Based on the nature of review mechanisms, as well as the separate ATRT recommendations relating to the Ombudsman's office and its interaction with the Board, it is understood that this group of independent experts shall focus on a review of the Reconsideration process and the Independent Review process.

Further information on the accountability mechanisms subject to review and proposed qualifications for service on the group of independent experts is available here.