Anuncios de la ICANN

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ICANN Launches the Africa Engagement Forum Supporting Community’s Work in the Region

30 de abril de 2021

Además de estar disponible en los idiomas de la ICANN, este contenido también está disponible en

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced today the launch of a new regional pilot event, the Africa Engagement Forum. The event, part of the Africa Regional Plan, will take place from 19- 20 May 2021.

The Africa Engagement Forum will be dedicated to bringing the African community together and supporting their work within ICANN. The forum will include active working groups and policy development processes for the Domain Name System (DNS), related to ICANN and its constituencies. It will also provide ICANN org with the opportunity to have a dedicated platform to gather, follow-up, and coordinate the work being done with the regional community.

The meeting will span two days, and will include a high-level panel and sessions covering updates from ICANN org and the community. One of the main features of the event will be the Africa Community Public Forum on the second day. The sessions will enable discussions on a broad range of Internet-related topics and inform the regional audience on the latest issues of concern to industry stakeholders.

The full agenda is available here. Interpretation in both French and Portuguese will be provided.

All attendees are required to register here.

Acerca de la ICANN

La misión de la ICANN es ayudar a garantizar una Internet global, unificada, estable y segura. Para contactar a otra persona en Internet, debemos ingresar una dirección –un nombre o un número– en nuestra computadora u otro dispositivo. Esa dirección debe ser única para que las computadoras puedan localizarse unas a otras. La ICANN ayuda a coordinar y brindar soporte a estos identificadores únicos en todo el mundo. La ICANN fue creada en 1998 como una corporación de bien público y sin fines de lucro con una comunidad integrada por participantes de todo el mundo.