Anuncios de la ICANN

Los anuncios de la ICANN brindan información actualizada sobre actividades de desarrollo de políticas, eventos regionales y demás novedades.

ICANN Board Announces Public Meeting

29 de octubre de 1998

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  • English

The Board of Directors of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is pleased to invite any interested party to a special open public meeting in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA on Saturday, November 14, 1998, commencing at 9 am and concluding at 4 pm.

The purpose of the meeting is to let the new ICANN Board hear the views and concrete suggestions of the Internet community on matters of current importance to the work of ICANN. The Board members wish to understand the issues and to engage in open dialogue on ways to achieve the goals of the U.S. government's White Paper.

We are developing an agenda. It will be posted at the web site by Monday, November 2, along with information on the location of the meeting. The closest international airport to the meeting location is Boston's Logan airport.

The Board wishes to express its appreciation to the organizers of the previously scheduled Domain Name Support Organization (DNSO) meeting in Monterrey, Mexico for their willingness to adjust their meeting agenda so that attendees wishing to participate in both meetings can do so. Information on the DNSO meeting can be found at