Anuncios de la ICANN

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Comment Period Extended on Travel Support Policies

13 de marzo de 2008

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  • English

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers has extended the public comment period on the development of Travel Support policies for volunteers who make ICANN’s community-based work possible.

Volunteers from across the globe support ICANN’s work by serving on ICANN’s various Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees. The goal of this assessment of travel support policies is to update current policies, develop a consistent approach to participation and travel support, and determine what is sustainable and reasonable in terms of the budget.

While this not a formal policy development process as defined in ICANN Bylaws, input is being sought and will be used in the spirit of the commitment to openness and transparency.

The comment period is being extended by a week and will close on 24 April 2008.

The comment forum, as well as background information, is available online at