Anuncios de la ICANN

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Clarification of Request For Proposals to Host ICANN Meetings

25 de mayo de 2007

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  • English

On 23 May 2007 ICANN issued a request for proposals to host future ICANN meetings to be held in 2008.

The announcement stated that proposals would be accepted until 15 June 2007. This should be considered as an initial expression of interest and additional time will be allowed for more comprehensive submissions should that be required. The June 15 timeframe was established so that possible European hosts could express interest prior to the European and North American summer vacation over July and August.

It also provides early indications of interest to be got from possible Asia Pacific hosts given that the Asia-Pacific meeting is to be held in February 2008 — less than 10 months away. This in turn allows ICANN staff to expedite consideration of various alternative host cities.