Anuncios de la ICANN

Los anuncios de la ICANN brindan información actualizada sobre actividades de desarrollo de políticas, eventos regionales y demás novedades.

Call for Proposals for 2002 ICANN Meetings

8 de octubre de 2001

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  • English

ICANN is actively soliciting proposals for the June and October/November 2002 ICANN meetings. Details are posted at <>, including an overview of the typical meeting structure, basic requirements for local hosts, and financial considerations.

Last month, Accra, Ghana, was selected as the location for the first round of ICANN meetings next year, to be held 10-14 March 2002. The second and third ICANN meetings are targeted for the following dates and regions:

Late June 2002 - Central/Eastern Europe

October/November 2002 - Asia/Pacific

The deadline for proposals is 31 October, 2001. If you are considering submitting a proposal, please contact the ICANN staff at <>.