Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.

IRP-IOT – Proposed updates to the IRP Supplementary Procedures


What We Need Your Input On

The IRP-IOT wishes to gather input from the ICANN community on each of the rules in its current proposals for updating the IRP Supplementary Procedures. The relevant rules are:

  • Rule 3 - Panel selection
  • Rule 4 - Time for Filing, including:
  • 4A – Initiation of an IRP
  • 4B – Time to File
  • 4C - Timing considerations for a Claimant to File an IRP following a Request for Reconsideration (RFR)
  • 4D - Limited Circumstances for Requesting Permission to File After the 24 month limit
  • Rule 5B - Translation
  • Rule 7 - Consolidation, Intervention and Participation as an Amicus

Respondents should clearly indicate in their comments if they support the changes made to each rule as a whole. If you do not support the changes, please provide a detailed explanation of why you do not support the changes to each rule.

Proposals For Your Input
NOTE: This document title has been updated but the content remains the same as the previous document
Clean - No Comparison - IRP IOT Proposed Changes by the IRP-IOT Regarding Rules 3,4,5B, and 7 (pdf, 270.77 KB)
Introduction to the Third IOT Public Consultation (pdf, 177.08 KB)
Redline - IRP-IOT Comparison of the current IRP Interim Supplementary Procedures vs the changes being proposed by the IRP-IOT regarding Rules 3,4,5B, and 7 with rationales (pdf, 509.15 KB)
Interim Supplementary Procedures for Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Independent Review Process (IRP) (pdf, 263.56 KB)


At the outset of its work, the reconstituted IRP-IOT prioritized updating the Supplementary rules as its first objective. In analyzing the current Interim Supplementary Rules, the IRP-IOT further prioritized the elements presented in this public consultation.

The changes proposed for each of these rules is the result of significant work over the past three and a half years by the IRP-IOT and represent compromises by all members, allowing the group to achieve consensus on all of these.

In some cases, such as Rule 4 - Time for Filing, some members of the IRP-IOT could not support the consensus but did support bringing the proposal to the community for input. 

Next Steps

Following the Public Comment period, the inputs will be analyzed by the IRP-IOT, who will consider updating the amended rules in light of the comments received and will publish a report on the results of these considerations. If significant changes are required due to the Public Consultation, the IOT may opt to have a further Public comment period on these changes. If there are no significant changes these rules will be included in the Supplementary Procedures.