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ICANN Webinar Series Europe: An Evolution for Domain Names: the Next Round of new gTLDs

Wednesday 20 November 2024 (12:00 - 13:00 UTC)

Virtual Only

Event Description

There are many steps in the preparation for new generic Top-Level Domains. Even as the final details fall into place, potential applicants are exploring their options.

What new use cases will arise, and what interesting names will we see “after the dot” ? In this webinar, ICANN staff and domain sector experts will provide an update on the program, and the global outreach program underway. Please bring your questions and ideas to this interactive session



Chris Mondini, Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement, Europe and Managing Director for Europe,

Other speakers TBC

For a list of upcoming and past webinars from this series, see: https://community.icann.org/display/IWSE/ICANN+Webinar+Series+-+Europe+Home

Event Format
Virtual Only
Open Event
How to Join

Registration: https://icann.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QZn3-fPYQv207u5n4BSEwQ

Contact Information
Gabriella Schittek gabriella.schittek@icann.org
Activity or Event Type