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Your input requested over the RegisterFly issue

5 April 2007
By Kieren McCarthy

In response to the ongoing queries for information over RegisterFly, we have set up a static page on ICANN’s Public Participation website to cover the process of review of both the Registar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) and wider changes with the registrar system itself.

We will be updating this page (http://public.icann.org/issues/registerfly/review) as and when new information comes in, so while blog posts will continue to provide the latest news, this static page should serve as a more useful and permanent resource for anyone interested in what is going on. The page provides useful links to factsheets, FAQs and previous discussions so people can educate themselves over what has happened so far; it also outlines what ICANN and its constituencies are doing about the issue; and provides suggestions to how you can get involved to improve the system, complete with links.

As part of this we have also set up a new forum which we hope will work more effectively than blog responses at helping the community reach its own suggested policy changes. That forum can be found at http://public.icann.org/issues/registerfly/review-forum and is also linked to within the main static webpage.


This blog post will not allow comments as it is our hope that you use the participation site. If you wish to post a comment (rather than simply review others’ comments) you will need to register with the site. This is a very simple process where you simply type in a username and your email address and you will receive an email with a one-time password which you can then change immediately once you are logged in. If you have already registered and forgotten your password, you can request a new password.

If you find you have any problems with registering, please email ICANN’s general manger of public participation, Kieren McCarthy, at kieren [dot] mccarthy [at] icann.org. From experience, we would first advise that you check your spam filter for the registration email.

The registration information acquired through this process will not be provided to any third-parties. ICANN is a not-for-profit corporation.


Kieren McCarthy