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Year Two

14 September 2013
By Fadi Chehadé

Today marks the beginning of year 2 of the new ICANN season. On this day, a year ago, I took the official plunge into the ICANN ocean.

To celebrate, I took the day off and rested with my family in a small country house in the hills. I sought the chance to listen quietly to the sounds of last year.

What I heard was actually beautiful. Our community grew more in concert. Our global posture is shaping up. Our operations are growing in quality and efficiency. Our justified confidence is felt around the world.

We still have much to accomplish together. In the next year, we shall give birth to many gTLDs and watch them grow. We will also evolve ICANN through the lens of the new strategies our community is shaping.

As I share this special anniversary with my family, I sincerely thanked them and also thank each one of you for giving me the chance to serve on the remarkable and inspiring ICANN mission. I made mistakes and you all remained patient; I crossed some subtle community lines, and you all forgave my ignorance; I pushed hard and you all indulged me with courage and determination.

Today, as I pause and observe, I see more green on the dials of the ICANN dashboard. We are soaring ahead. Inevitably, the forecast includes some storms. But in unity, we will continue this journey – wiser, higher, and steadier.



Fadi Chehadé

Former President & CEO