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Welcome to ICANN74!

12 June 2022
By and Göran Marby

On behalf of the ICANN Board and Organization (Org), we want to welcome you to ICANN74 in The Hague, Netherlands. After more than two years of virtual meetings, we are excited to be returning to a hybrid meeting format and for the chance to meet in person with members of the ICANN Community.

We are committed to ensuring an inclusive Public Meeting that provides equal opportunities for all to engage on important policy matters. Therefore, ICANN74 will accommodate both in-person and virtual participation. ICANN74 is a Policy Forum, which means it has a focus on policy work and Community outreach. There is no Welcome Ceremony or Public Forum, but as you can see on the agenda, there are three plenary sessions.

The first plenary session, "New gTLD Subsequent Procedures – Working Together," takes place on Monday, 13 June. During this session, the ICANN Org's New Generic Top-Level Domain Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Phase team will give an update on their work and solicit feedback. On Tuesday, 14 June, the "Plenary Session: Who Sets ICANN's Priorities?" focuses on ICANN Board, Org, and Community prioritization efforts. Lastly, "Updates on Geopolitical, Legislative, and Regulatory Developments" takes place on Thursday, 16 June. ICANN Org's Government Engagement team will lead this plenary session on Internet-related public policy issues that may impact ICANN's technical mission, policies, and processes. All are encouraged to attend these sessions. While in-person registration is closed due to limits on room capacity, you can still register to attend sessions virtually.

ICANN strives to make ICANN74 as safe as possible for in-person participants, and as inclusive as possible for those who decide to participate virtually. We need your help to make this work well, and we look forward to working together on continuing to improve our hybrid meeting format – as we have done before with fully virtual meetings.

If you are attending in person, be sure to familiarize yourself with the new meeting health and safety protocols, including the three-color lanyard system. And whether you are attending virtually or in person, make sure to read the new meeting participation guides.

We would like to thank the Community for its support, hard work, and flexibility in making this hybrid meeting possible. Stay safe, and see you at ICANN74!


Maarten Botterman

Maarten Botterman

ICANN Board Member
Göran Marby

Göran Marby

Former President & CEO