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Welcome to Copenhagen

12 March 2017
By Göran Marby

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I am very glad to be here in Denmark and hope to talk to as many of you as possible while we’re here at the Community Forum. This has been a big year for accountability in the ICANN ecosystem.  We are under new, enhanced and improved accountability measures.

We are on a journey. And, over the last few months, we’ve taken a few steps to increase the transparency around the ICANN organization. To see what the organization has been up to, please look at the latest report to the Board. This report summarizes each department’s highlights, milestones and provides an overview of recent activity.

One of the things I hear often is the desire for more people to participate in policy development processes, reviews, public comment, in all our processes. So if you’re not actively participating in one of those yet, take some time in this meeting to get involved. We will have eleven reviews this year! And, as you well know, the best way to make sure your voice, your constituency, your point of view is represented is to participate.

We’re also having a new session with the ICANN organization executive team and me on Thursday. I hope you can attend and ask us any questions you might have. This won’t replace the public forums, but is meant to give you another chance for us to talk. If you can’t attend or are participating remotely, please feel free to submit a question at engagement@icann.org.

As always, I hope to talk to many of you the next few days. Please let me know if you need anything and let’s get to work.


Göran Marby

Göran Marby

Former President & CEO