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Upcoming Comments from the ICANN Board to the ICG and CCWG-Accountability

7 September 2015
By Steve Crocker

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This is a very important week as we work towards the end of phase one of the IANA Stewardship Transition. With both the ICG and CCWG-Accountability public comments coming to a close, the ICANN Board plans to submit comments into each process.

Firstly, the Board will submit comments on the ICG IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal. We are very appreciative of all the hard work done by the ICG members and the three operational communities to produce the ICG proposal. The main focus of our comments will be on the implementation of the proposals by ICANN as the current IANA Functions Operator.

Secondly, as discussed extensively over the past week, the ICANN Board will submit comments on the CCWG-Accountability 2nd Draft Proposal on Enhancing ICANN Accountability. These inputs will include:

  • Comments on the mission and core values; and
  • Suggested enhancements of elements of the draft report; and
  • A matrix of the key elements proposed by the CCWG-Accountability highlighting the elements of alignment between the Board and the CCWG-Accountability as well as the elements where the Board has suggested enhancements.

We thank the community for their consideration of our comments and continued trust in the multistakeholder process that has got us this far. The continued back and forth of ideas and opinions is how we will together build the strongest proposal for the IANA Stewardship Transition, and we look forward to the next steps in the process and encourage all interested parties to submit their comments before the deadline.


Steve Crocker

Former ICANN Board Chair