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Things you didn’t realize were on the ICANN site: Part 3

17 March 2009
By Kieren McCarthy

Back in November, we outlined “more mechanisms for transparency and accountability” which flagged up the Dashboard that you can access from the front page of the ICANN website, but which also spoke of an “operational scorecard” where the work that ICANN does is clearly identified and tied to the organization’s operating plan and budget.

Just under a month ago that scorecard was published on the ICANN website. COO Doug Brent has been pointing to it frequently ever since but as ever, with such a large and diverse community, most people remain unaware of it.

So this scorecard – which is effectively a summary of the entire ICANN operating plan, with discrete, clearly identified deliverables – is Part 3 of things you didn’t realize were on the ICANN site. You can view the scorecard (a pdf file) by going to the Dashboard and clicking on “PM Scorecard” or, alternatively, click the link below.

View the Scorecard for 2009 here [pdf]


Previous hidden delights

Part 2: IDN Glossary
Part 1: Virtual Bookshelf


Kieren McCarthy