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Tech@ICANN58: Your Roadmap to Copenhagen's Technical Sessions

12 March 2017

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As we start our meeting here in Copenhagen with a packed agenda, I would like to share with you some of the key sessions that have a more technical focus. I hope that this will be useful to newcomers with a technical background, so they can easily find their way throughout the week.

Before I go on, it is important to reiterate that the main goal of this meeting, and all ICANN meetings, is to facilitate policy development discussions within and between constituencies. However, besides the direct policy related discussions, our meetings feature some technical sessions that help better prepare the community to engage in these policy discussions with a strong technical foundation. A few meetings ago, we introduced the popular "How Does it Work" series of sessions, which give introductions to some of the technical topics linked to ICANN's mission. During ICANN58, we are going to have four of those sessions, which will be repeated over two days:

Sunday 12 March 11:00 - 12:30 CET Hall A3 How It Works: DNS Fundamentals
  13:45 - 15:00 Hall C1.2 How It Works: Internet Networking
  15:15 - 16:30 Hall C1.2 How It Works: Understanding DNS Abuse
  17:00 - 18:30 Hall C1.2 How It Works: Root Server Operations
Monday 13 March 11:00 - 12:30 CET Hall B3 How It Works: Internet Networking
  13:45 - 15:00 pm Hall B3 How It Works: Understanding DNS Abuse
  15:15 - 16:45 pm Hall B3 How It Works: Root Server Operations
  17:00 - 18:30 pm Hall B3 How It Works: DNS Fundamentals

In the same category of technical awareness sessions, we will have one on "DNSSEC for Everybody: A Beginner's Guide," which is being held on 12 March (17:30 – 18:30 CET) and a panel on "Emerging Identifier Technologies," taking place on 14 March (11:30 - 13:00 CET). All of these sessions are open to anyone with or without a technical background, so please join us and participate. Your interactions with the presenters are what make these sessions useful and effective.

Throughout the week, there will also be a few other sessions being led by the Office of Chief Technology Officer's (CTO) team, including a joint meeting with RSSAC and an information session about the KSK rollover process:

Tuesday 14 March 9:00- 10:30 CET Hall B3 Joint Meeting: RSSAC & OCTO
  17:00 - 18:15 CET Hall B3 Root Key Signing Key Rollover: Changing the Keys to the Domain Name System

In response to requests by the community, there will now be two sessions to provide an update on the status of two new initiatives that we have started at ICANN. One will be about Identifier Technology Health Indicators, on Wednesday, 15 March, and another on the Open Data Initiative, on Thursday, 16 March:

15 March 13:45 - 14:45 CET Hall B4.1 ITHI workshop
16 March 09:00 - 10:30 Hall C1.2 Open Data Initiative

There will also be a wide range of sessions led by the technical communities/constituencies and other functions within the ICANN Organization that are worth attending if you have a technical background. TechDay will be held in Hall C1.2, and starts at 11:00 CET on 13 March, and the DNSSEC workshop will be held on 15 March in Hall A3, starting at 09:00 CET).

Below is a non exhaustive list of sessions you may want to join in person or follow remotely:

Sunday 12 March 13:45 CET Hall A3 Security, Stability and Resiliency Review Team (SSR2) – Public Consultation
    Hall B4.1 ccNSO TLD-OPS Standing Committee
    Hall B3 Universal Acceptance SG Workshop
Monday 13 March 13:45 Hall A2 Towards Effective DNS Abuse Mitigation: Prevention, Mitigation & Response
Tuesday 14 March 08:30 Hall A1 Joint Meeting: ICANN Board & ASO/NRO
  11:00 Hall B42 Statistical Analysis of DNS Abuse in gTLDs Study Results Preview
  14:00 Hall A3 RSSAC Public Session
Wednesday 15 March 08:30 CET MR 5 Security, Stability and Resiliency 2 Review Team Face to Face Meeting
  09:00   Hall B3 ICANN GDD: IDN Root Zone LGR Workshop
  11:00 Hall B5.1 ICANN GDD: RDAP Session
    Hall B4.2 IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Meeting
  15:15 Hall A1 SSAC Public Meeting
    Hall B4.1 IDN Program Update
  17:00 MR 18/19 Joint Meeting: ICANN Board & Technical Experts Group (TEG)
Thursday 16 March 11:00 Hall A1 Joint Meeting: ICANN Board & Security & Stability Advisory Committee

Time and locations may change during week, so to have your schedule update automatically and sync with your calendar, I highly recommend that you download and install the ICANN58 mobile app from your smart phone's app store. The full agenda of the meeting is also available at https://schedule.icann.org.

I hope you will enjoy the meeting, and I look forward to seeing you at one of our many technical sessions. Follow ICANN technology on twitter @ICANNTech.


Adiel Akplogan

Adiel Akplogan

VP, Technical Engagement