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Share Your Thoughts on ICANN’s Vision, Mission, Focus Areas

17 November 2013
By Fadi Chehadé

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Earlier this year, I asked the global community to join us in brainstorming for ICANN’s new Vision and Five-Year Strategic Plan. The community’s response was impressive in its international diversity, insightfulness and forward thinking. The community’s input on ICANN’s key challenges and opportunities has inspired a proposed new ICANN vision, a reiteration of our mission, and draft goals for five focus areas [PDF, 314 KB].

Now is the time to share your thoughts on these critical building blocks of ICANN’s future. Help us turn this text into a comprehensive Strategic Plan that will guide ICANN over the next five years.

What do you think of a vision for ICANN of an independent, global organization trusted worldwide to coordinate the global Internet’s systems of unique identifiers to support a single, open globally interoperable Internet? A vision in which ICANN builds trust through serving the public interest, and incorporates the transparent and effective cooperation among stakeholders worldwide to facilitate its coordination role?

I invite you to a session with the Board on Monday, 18 November, to talk with us about this proposed vision, the mission and the five strategic focus areas. This is your opportunity to raise concerns and make constructive suggestions about where ICANN needs to be in 2019.

In addition to the vision and mission, we are looking for your thoughts on goals in these focus areas for ICANN:

  1. Evolving ICANN’s implementation of the multistakeholder approach for coordination.
  2. Developing a world-class public responsibility framework
  3. Supporting a healthy unique identifier ecosystem
  4. Striving towards technical and operational excellence
  5. Defining role clarity for ICANN in the Internet governance ecosystem

Do the proposed Focus Area Goals appropriately outline ICANN’s future? What specific outcomes or achievements should we target? What are metrics of success?

I hope we can count on your input as we create a new Strategic Plan that contains measurable, prioritized objectives and metrics, and lays the foundation for detailed annual operating plans and budgets that meet the ICANN community’s needs. If you’ll be in Buenos Aires in person, come to room Libertador AB on Monday from 17:15-18:45 Argentina Time (20:15-21:45 UTC). If you can’t make it in person, then join us via remote participation at http://buenosaires48.icann.org/en/schedule/mon-strategic-planning.

Don’t miss this opportunity and others, like the ongoing public comment forum, to build a proper foundation for ICANN’s future. Your voice is important as we plan where ICANN will be in 2019.


Fadi Chehadé

Former President & CEO