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Safety and Security at ICANN Meetings

27 January 2016
By Nick Tomasso

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The world is a different place than it was only a few years ago. Tragically, we have learned that terrorist acts can occur anywhere, from Southern California to Paris. We recognize the changing global security landscape and are instituting some new security measures for all future ICANN meetings.

First and foremost, regarding ICANN55 specifically, we are in constant and on-going communication with our hosts and the Moroccan government, to assess any security concerns surrounding the upcoming meeting. In addition, we are working with a highly respected global security-consulting firm, which gives us on-going updates of potential risks. This firm has also assigned a senior level analyst to work with ICANN.

As of this date, the assessments of these various security experts is that there is only a LOW risk of any type of terrorist activity in Morocco.

For obvious reasons, I will not list every security measure we are instituting, but here are just a few we will be instituting for the first time in Marrakech, and for all future ICANN meetings:

  • Every delegate will now need a government-issued ID to pick up a badge at the registration desk.
  • There will be increased security screening for those entering our meeting venue, which may include metal detectors, magnetic wands and bag checks.
  • There will be advanced verification of delegate registration information by Moroccan authorities.
  • Security will be increased at the hotels where delegates are staying.
  • We are establishing a 24/7 operations center at the venue.

Please know that the safety of our attendees has always been, and will continue to be, a top priority when planning an ICANN meeting. We will continue to work with global, national and local security personnel to assess and implement appropriate security measures at all ICANN meetings.

For those who are unable to attend the meeting in Marrakech, we will continue to support superb remote participation options.

And finally, for those who are attending ICANN55, you can get travel tips, schedule changes and the latest updates by checking our website. You can also follow us on Twitter (@icann) and Facebook, and make sure to download the ICANN55 mobile app, which will be available in the app store within the next few weeks.

See you in Marrakech.


Nick Tomasso