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Replace WHOIS with the ARDS?

2 July 2013
By Margie Milam

Many believed it couldn’t be done- achieve consensus on a solution to the WHOIS issue, after nearly a decade of debate in the ICANN community. In fact, that is what the Expert Working Group (EWG) has done in a remarkably short amount of time.

When the Board embarked on this effort to produce the next generation of data directory services to replace the current WHOIS system, it did so by bringing together a widely divergent group of industry experts, as well as some seasoned executives from outside the ICANN community. Together they have produced an Initial Report [PDF, 1.7 MB] that provides a solid foundation for replacing WHOIS by identifying the permissible purposes for registration data, and recommending the design features and principles to keep in mind when developing a next generation registration directory service.  The EWG also proposed a radically new model for the ICANN community to consider, referred to as the Aggregated Registration Data Service (ARDS), that demonstrates how such a new system might be deployed.

The EWG is very interested in your views on its Initial Report [PDF, 1.7 MB], to be considered as it finalizes its recommendations after the Durban Meeting. To help you understand their current thinking, members of the EWG have recorded a video, or you can attend the EWG’s Webinar on July 8th, or public session at the Durban Meeting on July 15th. You can also answer the discussion questions posed by the EWG to solicit community input on open areas.

Did the EWG get it right? Is the ARDS the best replacement for WHOIS? Make sure to share your views on this important development.


Margie Milam