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Pepperdine Externs survey ICANN community members.

16 March 2009
By Office of the Ombudsman

The externs from the Strauss Institute at Pepperdine University who are conducting the 5 year evaluation of the Office of the Ombudsman are conducting a community survey. Participants in the ICANN Mexico City Meeting will receive an invitation by email, and all other community members are welcome to participate.

The Survey invitation and web link follow:

Greetings ICANN Community and Stakeholders:

As part of the 5 year summative evaluation of the Office of the Ombudsman, we are kindly asking your assistance in assessing the value and efficiency of the Office. To this end we have attached a short survey which will enable us to better understand the community’s perception of the Office and its relationship to ICANN. Your cooperation is vital to the evaluation process overall.

Specifically, this survey will collect the sum total of your responses, which will then be analyzed by the Summative Evaluation Team. Truthful and complete answers will be greatly appreciated as they will add to the accuracy and credibility of the summative evaluation.

Please follow the link to SurveyMonkey that has been supplied in this email. Notice that in some of the questions more than one answer is possible and some questions leave room to allow you to give an explanation with your response.

We would like to thank you in advance for submitting your responses by April 1, 2009. Your opinion is most valuable to us and we appreciate your time.


The Summative Evaluation Team from Pepperdine University



Office of the Ombudsman