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M3AAWG Appoints Dr. John Levine Liaison to ICANN

28 April 2017
By David Conrad

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Dr. John Levine Liaison

The Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG) recently appointed Dr. John Levine Liaison to ICANN. The ICANN organization welcomes this appointment and thanks M3AAWG's Board of Directors for this decision.

This appointment will allow the portion of the operational security community represented by M3AAWG to have more visibility of, and participation in relevant policy development processes. This can provide for increased representation of the operational security community in policymaking and in the discussions that take place within the broader ICANN community.

This appointment will allow the portion of the operational security community represented by M3AAWG to have more visibility of, and participation in relevant policy development processes. This can provide for increased representation of the operational security community in policymaking and in the discussions that take place within the broader ICANN community.

David Conrad, ICANN Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, stated that "M3AAWG's Liaison brings many years of technology and Internet security expertise to the ICANN community, and will be a bridge between the operational security community and ICANN, both the community and the organization." On the appointment, Jamie Hedlund, ICANN's Chief Contractual Compliance Officer, said "I'm pleased M3AAWG has made this appointment as I am optimistic it will increase M3AAWG's participation in ICANN's policy work, which will certainly enrich the discussions within the ICANN community. This will bring enormous benefits to the ICANN organization, Board and community."

M3AAWG was founded in 2004 with the initial purpose of working toward combatting spam and helping to protect end-users. As malicious activity evolved, M3AAWG expanded its remit to work on threats like botnets, malware, denial-of-service attacks and other forms of online exploitation. Today, M3AAWG is one of the largest global organizations working on online anti-abuse, with more than 200 worldwide members. M3AAWG members include registry operators such as Afilias and Verisign; registrars like GoDaddy, Tucows, 1&1 Internet SE, and Blacknight (as a frequent guest); as well as technology companies, Internet service providers, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry (LACNIC), and security companies and security research groups – all of which are interested in safeguarding the online ecosystem.

Congratulations to Dr. Levine on his appointment and best wishes for success in his new role. We look forward to M3AAWG's increased participation in ICANN.


David Conrad

David Conrad