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Improvements to the Quarterly Stakeholder Updates

29 August 2017
By Göran Marby

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We're evolving the Quarterly Stakeholder Updates to serve your needs better. Despite the changes, you will still receive the core information in a transparent and accountable way, and will still be able to ask the ICANN organization questions.

After reviewing the data from the past three years, we recognized that most of you prefer to access the recordings and materials after the fact (see chart below). Due to the low interest in the live calls, we're discontinuing them. We'll continue to post the report, but instead of the live call, we'll also provide an Adobe Connect recording with a shorter 10-minute executive summary of the full report.  The materials will still be available in the six U.N. languages.

The first update in this new format will be posted on 7 September for the quarter ending 30 June. Next week, we will also post the results from the recent customer satisfaction survey for contracted parties, conducted by the MITA Group.  The anonymous survey was intended to help improve the quality of our work and the level of mutual trust.

Although historically we haven't had many questions on the calls, we want to keep the opportunity to ask questions as we try this new approach. We're experimenting with a question and answer (Q&A) webinar (in the six U.N. languages) and chat. Depending on the level of participation in the webinar, we may consider other means for questions in future quarters.

This evolution is part of our broader ongoing efforts to continue to be transparent, accountable, accessible, and engaging. These efforts include the Executive Team Q&A sessions at ICANN Public Meetings, the CEO Report to the Board, and the new Accountability Indicators webpage.

Quarterly Stakeholder updates

I hope you enjoy this new format and I welcome your feedback. You’ll see more announcements when we publish the Quarterly Stakeholder Update.


Göran Marby

Göran Marby

Former President & CEO