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ICANN’s LAC Team Launches Regional DNS Security Social Media Campaign

6 May 2021
By and

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Last year, the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) community, working with the ICANN org, updated the LAC Strategic Plan 2021-2025 to align it with ICANN's Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2021-2025, and harmonize our regional activities with ICANN's goals.

One of the key areas of interest in the LAC Strategic Plan is Domain Name System (DNS) security, with the objective to help ensure that regional stakeholders are aware of and able to acquire the technical knowledge needed to preserve and enhance the operational stability, reliability, security, and global interoperability of the Internet. The LAC team has developed a number of capacity development and awareness activities to address this objective, and we're excited to discuss one of them in further detail below.

According to eMarketer, four countries in Latin America ranked among the top 10 countries in the world regarding the time spent on social media in 2020.  Since social media is one of the most widely used communication tools in the region, the LAC team is launching a targeted social media campaign that will aim to educate users on DNS security issues in local languages. The campaign will consist of sharing brief definitions of relevant ICANN acronyms and terms in Spanish, Portuguese, and French. Each post, published on a monthly basis, will include a link to access more information and additional resources. We will also include a story in our regional newsletter to provide more context to each chosen topic.

During the course of the campaign, which will last approximately 18 months, each published term will follow an ordered sequence starting with information related to security threats and attacks on the DNS, including attacks that use the DNS to disrupt other systems. Additional topics will cover the mechanisms used by attackers to obtain user information and breach devices, and tools that help protect users against such threats.

Stay tuned for our first term: the DNS! And don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter in Spanish, Portuguese, and French.


Rodrigo Saucedo

Rodrigo Saucedo

Stakeholder Engagement Director, Andean Region and LAC Strategic Initiatives

Nicolás Antoniello

Regional Technical Engagement Sr. Manager