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ICANN68 Virtual Policy Forum: Schedule Now Available

1 June 2020
By David Olive

Today, the ICANN organization published the schedule for the ICANN68 Virtual Policy Forum to be held from 22-25 June 2020. The ICANN community took the lead in organizing the four-day program. The schedule features plenary sessions exploring Domain Name System (DNS) abuse and malicious registrations, DNS and the Internet of Things, and how to advance policy work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please remember to register for ICANN68.

ICANN68 is the fifth Policy Forum and the second virtual ICANN Public Meeting. It is also the first ICANN Public Meeting to be supported entirely by remote ICANN org teams working from their homes around the world. ICANN68 will take place in the UTC+8 time zone of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia—the original host city. Later this week, ICANN org will share more details about language interpretation services for ICANN68.

With the goal of ensuring operational security, stability, and resiliency of the Internet, the ICANN community develops policy recommendations through three Supporting Organizations (SOs) and refines them through four Advisory Committees (ACs), all composed of global stakeholders. Policy development at ICANN takes place through open and consultative processes such as teleconferences, Public Comment, and ICANN Public Meetings. The SOs, ACs, Stakeholder Groups, and Constituencies have arranged sessions during ICANN68 to advance priority items while maintaining their regular work schedules. I would like to thank the ICANN community for its continued commitment to collaborative planning for ICANN Public Meetings.

To help participants prepare for the Policy Forum, please register for the upcoming ICANN68 Prep Sessions. The Pre-ICANN68 Policy Report and the GNSO Policy Briefing ICANN68 Edition are available as well. Whether you are a regular participant, an occasional participant, or a newcomer, I encourage you to engage in the ICANN68 Virtual Policy Forum.


David Olive

David Olive