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ICANN64 Prep Week

4 February 2019
By David Olive

To better prepare the community ahead of ICANN Public Meetings, the Policy Development Support team is piloting a new initiative called Prep Week, that will consolidate all pre-ICANN Public Meeting webinars into one week. Starting with ICANN64, Prep Week will streamline the pre-meeting experience for the ICANN community and allow for better coordination throughout the ICANN organization.

ICANN64 Prep Week will take place from 25-28 February 2019. There will be two webinar slots per day at 16:00 UTC and 23:00 UTC.

With this new initiative, we not only hope to improve community preparation, but also increase awareness of cross-community and high-interest topics and enhance briefings and readout sessions.

The ICANN64 Prep Week schedule will be finalized in the coming days, so please look for an official announcement.


David Olive

David Olive