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ICANN57 Hyderabad: What You Need to Know (Part 2)

16 August 2016
By Nick Tomasso

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Further to my blog on 25 July 2016, I would like to share details on visa applications to assist all who are attending ICANN57 Annual General Meeting in Hyderabad with your travel planning.

We have worked extensively with the India government to ensure a clear and smooth process for all Indian visa applications. They have also assured us that all ICANN57 visa applications will be treated as priority.

All delegates requiring visas to India should visit here to find the nearest India diplomatic mission to apply for your visa. You must apply for a Conference Visa. Please refer to the guide we have put together for reference. Apply early as the process could take up to two weeks. You will also need

invitation letters from ICANN and the local host, which may take another two weeks to generate.

Do take note that the e-Tourist Visa will not be applicable for our ICANN meeting. Any traveler trying to enter India with the e-Tourist Visa may be denied entry. If you have an existing valid Business Visa, you need not still need to apply for the Conference Visa. Please visit the meeting site (https://meetings.icann.org/en/hyderabad57/travel) for more details.

We have set up a dedicated email (

icann57visasupport@icann.org) that you can contact should you need any further clarification about the visa.

Remember to

register for ICANN57 and check our meeting site for regular updates. Lastly, don't forget to attend the webinar on 7 September 2016 (1500 UTC) where we will share more information on ICANN57, logistics, accommodations and travel. Look out for our announcement and join us then.


Nick Tomasso