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ICANN Ombudsman Herb Waye

7 August 2016

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I took office last week and on my first day as ICANN Ombudsman spent the day working with ICANN LA staff.

I would like to sent a big shout out to the ICANN LA staff for all their assistance; technical, administrative, and operational. You got me up and running with social media, you worked with me on budgetary/financial issues, you helped me over technical IT hurdles and you mostly made me feel so much at home. Extra thanks to Tony and Maria at the front desk, my go-to people who gave me directions whenever I got lost :-)

I spent time with IT, Legal, Compliance, Global Domains Division, new gTLD team, Training, Communications, & Meetings Team, to name a few, and met many other folks who smiled and chatted in the hallways and cafeteria. I also had a very nice chat with the CEO and look forward to a very positive relationship with Göran and his ICANN staff.

I also took the opportunity to hold an Ombuds Orientation presentation, offering seven new (and slightly less new) staff members insight into the role of the Ombudsman in the ICANN community.

I want to thank Mike Zupke and Karen Lentz who invited me to their farewell gathering. I have known both Mike and Karen for many years and wish them both nothing but success and happiness in their future endeavors.

Once again, thank you all for your enthusiasm and support. Herb


Herb Waye

Herb Waye

ICANN Ombudsman