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ICANN 53: Buenos Aires – Global Domains Division (GDD) Session Highlights

15 June 2015
By Akram Atallah

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Buenos dias! We're only days away from ICANN 53, which is, taking place in Buenos Aires on 21-25 June 2015. This event will bring together community members, staff, board members and Internet stakeholders to discuss ICANN and global Internet issues. The Global Domains Division has a packed agenda including updates on the New gTLD Program (nearly 650 New gTLDs have been delegated), program reviews and much more. In addition, the recently formed Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) will hold a full-day workshop on Sunday 21st and provide an update on the group's progress toward achieving Universal Acceptance in an open session on Monday 22nd. This ICANN meeting will also include “How it Works” sessions that will provide attendees with an inside look and tutorial sessions for the core functions of the Internet. I encourage you to attend as many sessions as you can, including the sessions below. Members of the GDD team will be available during the sessions and at the GDD booth to answer any questions and discuss suggestions or comments. We look forward to seeing you all in Buenos Aires!

  • How it Works: Internet Standards Setting
    Date/Time: Sunday – 21 June 2015 from 09:30 to 11:30
    Location: Atalaya
    This tutorial will introduce the players and processes used in setting standards for protocols used in the Internet. Attendees will learn about the roles varying groups play in creating the technical standards.

  • Universal Acceptance Steering Group Workshop
    Date/Time: Sunday – 21 June 2015 from 10:00 to 16:30
    Location: Catalinas
    This full-day workshop will allow members of the UASG to engage face-to-face for the first time since the group formed in February 2015. Topics will include an overview of Universal Acceptance and the UASG, as well as examples of the massive effort required to achieve UA.

  • How it Works: Internet Networking
    Date/Time: Sunday – 21 June 2015 from 13:00 to 15:00
    Location: Atalaya
    This tutorial provides a basic overview of how Internet protocols allow for information to be transmitted from a source to a destination.

  • How it Works: Domain Name Registry Protocols
    Date/Time: Sunday – 21 June 2015 from 15:30 to 17:30
    Location: Atalaya
    This tutorial will provide attendees with an introduction to the protocols in use by Domain Name System (DNS) registries, including the DNS protocol and its extensions, Whois, the Extensible Provisioning Protocol and the newly standardized Registration Data Access Protocol.

  • Global Domains Division Update
    Date/Time: Monday – 22 June 2015 from 14:00 to 15:30
    Location: Libertador C
    In this session, the Global Domains Division will update the community on the status of the New gTLD Program and related issues, as well as technical, security and domain name industry initiatives and advancements. Information on the Global Customer Service Center will also be presented.

  • New gTLD Program Reviews
    Date/Time: Monday – 22 June 2015 from 15:45 to 17:45
    Location: Libertador C
    Comprehensive reviews of the program have begun, covering topics such as rights protection, program implementation, security & stability and consumer trust, choice & competition. This session will provide a high-level overview of the status of each review, detailed information on elements of reviews that are currently in focus and an open Q&A session at the close.

  • Universal Acceptance
    Date/Time: Monday – 22 June 2015 from 18:00 to 19:30
    Location: Libertador C
    The Universal Acceptance Steering Group will present the progress on establishing its structure and working protocols to ensure new top-level domains, Internationalized Domain Names and internationalized email addresses function across all applications and services. Attendees will learn how they can help tackle the acceptance issue.

  • IDN Program Update
    Date/Time: Wednesday – 24 June 2015 from 10:30 to 11:45
    Location: Libertador C
    What's new with ICANN's Internationalized Domain Name Program? Learn about work currently being undertaken through various projects within the program. This session will include presentations from members of Integration Panel and some community representatives from the Generation Panels on their progress toward developing the Label Generation Ruleset for the Root Zone.

  • IDN Root Zone LGR Workshop
    Date/Time: Wednesday – 24 June 2015 from 13:00 to 14:15
    Location: Aguila
    This session is geared toward members of script communities, Generation Panels and others interested in learning about the steps involved in implementing the procedure for the Label Generation Ruleset. ICANN's Internationalized Domain Name team and the Integration Panel will provide guidance on how to address issues that Generation Panel members for different scripts have raised. Additionally, script communities will provide updates on their progress.

  • Next Steps for Whois Accuracy
    Date/Time: Wednesday – 24 June 2015 from 17:00 to 18:30
    Location: Auditorio
    Learn about the next steps for ICANN's Whois Accuracy Reporting System. Attendees will learn about the timeline for the next reports, what to expect in the next report, how the feedback from the pilot project was used to improve the project, and update from Contractual Compliance regarding the project.


Akram Atallah

Former President, Global Domains Division