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Building Momentum: An Update from the CCWG-Accountability co-Chairs

18 September 2015

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As co-Chairs of the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability), we wanted to provide a quick status update for the community on where things currently stand in our proposal development.

At 23:59 UTC on 12 September, the public comment period on the CCWG-Accountability 2nd Draft Proposal closed. Stakeholders from all around the world studied our proposal and provided feedback for our consideration -- we received a substantial 88 comments on the proposal. For a draft overview of the major trends seen in the comments received see here [PDF, 3.6 MB].

Overall our assessment at this stage finds that there is significant support and appreciation for the CCWG's requirements and work to date. There was general agreement that elements proposed in the 2nd Draft Proposal enhance ICANN's accountability, and we believe that our group should take this as a sincere recognition of the quality of work done in preparing the proposal. That said, there are still areas of the proposal that many felt need further details or clarification. This reconsideration deserves careful assessment, and it will be important for the group to discuss these details in full to see where and if we can reach consensus before moving into the next phase of our proposal development.

Over the next week, our team will be finalizing an assessment of the feedback received and we will begin to allocate out suggestions to sub-groups of the CCWG for evaluation. We sense that some suggestions will be relatively straight-forward to incorporate, and for those suggestions which will prove to be more challenging to find consensus on, we will deliberate at the important face-to-face meeting next week in Los Angeles on 25-26 September. We should expect that a large portion of our time in Los Angeles will be reserved to answering the tough questions, and it's important that we come out of the meeting with an idea of how to move forward together.

We've accomplished an extraordinary amount of work since our first meeting in December, but as with so many other things in life, the final stretch may prove to be the most demanding.

Let's keep up the energy. Let's keep up the momentum. Our community, including our ICG colleagues, is counting on us to deliver a proposal. Let's make this happen.

CCWG-Accountability co-Chairs
Thomas Rickert
Mathieu Weill
León Sanchez