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APNIC 38 Session on IANA Stewardship Transition Showcases Community Progress and Diversity

8 October 2014

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Anyone who has followed the developments in Internet governance over the past year should be well aware of the IANA Stewardship Transition. ICANN has facilitated a process that resulted in the formation of the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG), which currently holds the reins of the transition process.

The group has made impressive progress since its formation in early July. After just two months together members have developed working methods, procedural documents and, most notably for members of the community, published an RFP that solicits proposals from the communities that most closely work with the IANA functions – i.e. the domain names, numbering resources and protocol parameters.

Since the announcement of the RFP, discussions have become even broader and more diverse both across the community and the globe. The individual communities that make up the names, numbers and protocols are working diligently to develop consultation processes that will inevitably result in one of the three draft proposals submitted to the ICG, and these consultation processes are occurring in regions all over the world.

An example of this regional community engagement took place at APNIC 38 in Brisbane, Australia recently where the first Regional Internet Address Registry (RIR) session on building a framework for developing a proposal took place. The Consultation Session was well attended and it also was live streamed on YouTube.

The session began with overviews presented by APNIC Chair Maemura Akinori, APNIC Director General Paul Wilson who also is a member of the ICG, and Craig Ng, General Counsel of APNIC. They provided background on the IANA Stewardship Transition and a draft proposal that has already been prepared for discussion. Members of the community spent time going through the draft proposal item by item, and participants were encouraged to continue the discussion throughout the week and over their mailing list as well. The session then closed following a very active Q&A session.

A video of the session can be viewed here.

A transcript of the session can be found here [TXT, 63 KB].

The dialogue at APNIC 38 is just one example of the high interest the IANA Stewardship Transition process has generated in all regions of the world. It's evident the global multistakeholder community is taking this transition very seriously and I'm looking forward to continued dialogue during the upcoming ICANN 51 meeting in Los Angeles.


Theresa Swinehart

Theresa Swinehart

SVP, Global Domains & Strategy