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Six Scripts Integrated into the Second Version of Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGR-2)

6 June 2017

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The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) today opened public comment on the second version of Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGR-2) integrating six scripts: Arabic, Ethiopic, Georgian, Khmer, Lao and Thai.

The Root Zone LGR will be used to determine valid top-level Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) labels and their variant labels, if any. Work is underway by the community-based Generation Panels on proposals for additional scripts to be integrated in the future versions of the Root Zone LGR. These include Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Japanese, Korean, Latin and Neo-Brahmi panels.

Generation Panels for more scripts, including Hebrew, Myanmar, Sinhala, Tibetan and Thaana are actively being solicited as per the Call for Generation Panels. Individuals with deep experience or interest in these scripts are encouraged to volunteer and help enable a multilingual Internet.

For further information on the IDN Program at ICANN, please visit www.icann.org/idn. To start a new Generation Panel or to get involved in an existing one, please email at IDNProgram@icann.org.