ICANN Announcements

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Proposed Charter Amendments of the GNSO Business Constituency

6 January 2017

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Open Date: 6 January 2017 Close Date: 15 February 2017
Originating Organization: ICANN Board of Directors, GNSO, BC
Categories/Tags: Bylaws, Engagement/Participation
Brief Overview: The purpose of this public comment period is to obtain community input on proposed changes to the charter of the GNSO's Business Constituency. The changes have been approved by the membership of the Business Constituency and are awaiting Board review and approval. Consistent with the Board's 2013 process for review of changes to community charter documentation, the Board's Organizational Effectiveness Committee has authorized this public comment period for a period of 40 days.
Link: https://www.icann.org/public-comments/bc-charter-amend-2017-01-06-en