ICANN Announcements

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ICANN’s 2022 Nominating Committee Announces Leadership Selections

11 August 2022

Today, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 2022 Nominating Committee (NomCom) is pleased to announce its selections for eight leadership positions:

ICANN Board of Directors

Maarten Botterman

Christopher Chapman
Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands

Sajidur Rahman
Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands

Public Technical Identifiers Board of Directors

Tobias Sattler

At-Large Advisory Committee

Eduardo Díaz
North America

Tommi Karttaavi

Country Code Names Supporting Organization Council

Olga Cavalli
Latin America and the Caribbean

Generic Names Supporting Organization Council

Anne Aikman-Scalese
North America

Those selected will begin their terms at the conclusion of the ICANN75 Annual General Meeting in September 2022.

About the 2022 NomCom Applicants

The 2022 NomCom received 85 completed applications during the application period from 15 December 2021 through 18 March 2022.

Of the completed applications:

  • 15 percent were from Africa.
  • 27 percent were from Asia, Australia, or the Pacific Islands.
  • 25 percent were from Europe.
  • 20 percent were from Latin America or the Caribbean.
  • 13 percent were from North America.
  • 29 percent were female, 58 percent were male, and 13 percent did not disclose.

The NomCom is charged with recruiting and selecting a portion of ICANN's leadership. In doing so, the NomCom is mandated to ensure that ICANN's overall leadership is diverse in geography, culture, skills, experience, and perspective. Further, selectees should:

  • Have integrity, objectivity, and sound judgment.
  • Support decision-making within groups.
  • Work effectively in English.
  • Understand ICANN's mission.
  • Be committed to ICANN's success.
  • Have experience in world affairs.
  • Contribute to cultural, professional, and geographic expertise.
  • Be able to work long and hard, generally as volunteers.

A Message From NomCom Chair Michael Graham

The 2022 Nominating Committee is thankful for the numerous applications received. Although the Nominating Committee cannot appoint everyone who applied, we encourage all applicants to continue participating, as your involvement is critical to ICANN's mission.

The Nominating Committee wants to congratulate all the selected candidates.

To learn more about the Nominating Committee, visit: http://nomcom.icann.org.


ICANN's mission is to help ensure a stable, secure, and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet, you need to type an address – a name or a number – into your computer or other device. That address must be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate and support these unique identifiers across the world. ICANN was formed in 1998 as a nonprofit public benefit corporation with a community of participants from all over the world.