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ICANN59 Community Webinar

11 May 2017

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ICANN 59 | Policy Forum | Johannesburg: 26-29 June 2017 | Join the ICANN59 webinar on Tuesday, 16 May 2017, at 1600 UTC

ICANN59 in Johannesburg, South Africa, will be ICANN's second ever Policy Forum. This four-day meeting will be focused on policy and advice development work, as well as outreach activities.

ICANN will be holding an informational webinar on Tuesday, 16 May 2017, at 1600 UTC to provide the community with a full update on ICANN59, including information on logistics, accommodations and travel. Details on the meeting schedule for Johannesburg will also be shared during the webinar, as well as being posted on the ICANN59 meeting website.

The Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees (SO/ACs) have taken the lead in organizing the meeting's program. As a reminder, there will be no official opening ceremony and no public forums, but networking receptions held each night will allow participants to interact outside of work sessions. Mornings will be dedicated to individual and joint sessions of the Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees, and afternoons will feature cross-community sessions exploring a variety of topics, including ongoing policy development efforts. The call is open for all to attend. The presentation and recording is posted below.

Recordings & Transcripts:

Adobe Connect Recording: https://participate.icann.org/p8hjxno0f6i/

Presentation: https://meetings.icann.org/en/johannesburg59/presentation-icann59-community-webinar-16may17-en.pdf [PDF, 759 KB]

English Audio MP3 Download: http://audio.icann.org/icann59-community-webinar-16may17-en.mp3 [MP3, 3.81 MB]

English Transcript: https://meetings.icann.org/en/johannesburg59/transcript-icann59-community-webinar-16may17-en.pdf [PDF, 160 KB]

Spanish Transcript: https://meetings.icann.org/es/johannesburg59/transcript-icann59-community-webinar-16may17-es.pdf [PDF, 63 KB]

French Transcript: https://meetings.icann.org/fr/johannesburg59/transcript-icann59-community-webinar-16may17-fr.pdf [PDF, 59 KB]

Chinese Transcript: https://meetings.icann.org/zh/johannesburg59/transcript-icann59-community-webinar-16may17-zh.pdf [PDF, 173 KB]

Russian Transcript: https://meetings.icann.org/ru/johannesburg59/transcript-icann59-community-webinar-16may17-ru.pdf [PDF, 196 KB]

Arabic Transcript: https://meetings.icann.org/ar/johannesburg59/transcript-icann59-community-webinar-16may17-ar.pdf [PDF, 205 KB]

Portuguese Transcript: https://meetings.icann.org/pt/johannesburg59/transcript-icann59-community-webinar-16may17-pt.pdf [PDF, 55 KB]

If you have questions, please send an email meetings@icann.org.