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ICANN Publishes ICANN58 By the Numbers Report

24 April 2017

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Today, ICANN published the results of the ICANN58 By the Numbers report that details the technical, demographic and attendance statistics. This report summarizes our statistical data from ICANN's second Community Forum of the new meeting strategy. This report is part of ICANN's commitment to transparency.

Report highlights include:

  • 2,089 checked-in participants, with 1,012 listing their region as Europe
  • 31% of attendees participating for the first time
  • 348 sessions held, for a total of 642 hours
  • Top three sessions by attendance:
    • Opening Ceremony
    • Public Forum 1
    • Public Forum 2
  • 2,094 unique mobile app visits
  • 78,587 schedule website page views
  • 9 terabytes of data as network downloads

Link to ICANN58 By the Numbers report [PDF, 8.96 MB].

If you have questions, please email: mailto:mts@icann.org