ICANN Announcements

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Empowered Community Power Triggered: Approval of Amendments to ICANN's Fundamental Bylaws

26 May 2017

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26 May 2017 – On 23 May 2017, the ICANN organization sent a notice [PDF, 238 KB] to the Empowered Community that the ICANN Board has approved amendments to ICANN's Fundamental Bylaws to move the Board Governance Committee's reconsideration responsibilities to another Board Committee. This notice triggered a series of events that have been set in place for the Empowered Community to consider and approve the amendments before they can go into effect.

These events include a Community Forum that will be held on 27 June during ICANN59 for the community to convene and discuss the amendments. Following the Community Forum, each of the groups participating in the Empowered Community will have until 06:59 UTC on 21 July 2017 to provide notice to the Empowered Community Administration of its decision regarding approval of the amendments.

Details for the Community Forum, including remote participation, will be available on the ICANN59 meeting page on 5 June 2017.

To facilitate the Empowered Community's work in a transparent manner, ICANN has also launched three new websites.