ICANN Announcements

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Deadline Extended: Expressions of Interest for Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team Chair

26 August 2021

The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) to chair the Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team. The Council approved the formation of the team and provided instructions during its meeting on 22 July 2021. The deadline to submit an EOI has been extended to Thursday, 9 September 2021 (23:59 UTC).

The Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team will be tasked with considering the current enforcement, reporting, measurement, and overall effectiveness of efforts related to generic top-level domain (gTLD) registration data accuracy. These considerations are expected to help inform its deliberations and the development of recommendations to the GNSO Council on whether any changes are recommended to improve accuracy levels, and, if so, how and by whom these changes would need to be developed. For example, if changes to existing contractual requirements are recommended, a policy development process (PDP) or contractual negotiations may be necessary to effect a change.

Chair Terms and Requirements

The GNSO Council is looking to appoint a neutral chair to the Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team. With such critical issues under consideration, it is important to note that significant responsibility comes with this role in order to ensure the success of deliberations. The scoping team is expected to have regular calls to complete its assignments. In addition, the chair is expected to participate in regular planning calls with the staff support team.

There will be no compensation associated with this role; however, travel associated with any face-to-face meetings may be supported by ICANN organization (org). Note, due to ICANN org travel restrictions still in place, no in-person meetings are scheduled at this time.

The scoping team will start its work after the completion of the Registration Data Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) Phase 2A work. The final report is expected to be delivered by the end of August 2021.

How to Submit an EOI

All submissions must be sent to gnso-secs@icann.org by Thursday, 9 September 2021 (23:59 UTC). By submitting your personal data, you agree that your personal data will be processed in accordance with ICANN Privacy Policy, and you agree to abide by the electronic Terms of Service. Application materials will be reviewed by GNSO Council leadership and will not be shared publicly. Names of applicants, including the recommended candidate, will be shared with the GNSO Council for its consideration.

To submit an Expression of Interest, please answer the following questions:

  • What is your interest in this position?
  • What particular skills and attributes do you have that will assist you in chairing the scoping team?
  • What is your knowledge of existing accuracy requirements and associated challenges?
  • What is your experience in and knowledge of the following:
    • The GNSO policy development process
    • ICANN consensus policies
    • ICANN Registry Agreements (RAs)
    • The Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) related to gTLD registration data
  • Are you able to commit the time required (multiple hours per week) and necessary work needed to chair the scoping team?
  • Conflict of Interest Statement: do you have any affiliation with or involvement in any organization or entity with any financial or non-financial interest in the subject matter of this scoping team?
  • Please also include:

Additional questions and inquiries can be sent to gnso-secs@icann.org. More information about the Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team can be found here.


ICANN's mission is to help ensure a stable, secure, and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet, you need to type an address – a name or a number – into your computer or other device. That address must be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate and support these unique identifiers across the world. ICANN was formed in 1998 as a nonprofit public benefit corporation with a community of participants from all over the world.