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Call for Volunteers: Forming NomCom2 Review Working Party

13 September 2016

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The 2016 Nominating Committee invites volunteers to join the NomCom2 Review Working Party. Candidates are asked to submit their applications to nomcom2016@icann.org by 26 September, 23:59 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


The members of the NomCom2 Review Working Party will work on the 2017 NomCom2 Review. The Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the Board considers this work to be of paramount importance. The Working Party must ensure that any recommendations for improvement are useful and implementable, and must consider changes and growth in stakeholder participation and lessons gained from previous reviews – especially the 2007 NomCom Review and the 2014 Board Working Group Report.

Membership and Desired Skills

The activities of the NomCom2 Review Working Party will be conducted in an open and fully transparent manner.

  • The membership of the NomCom2 Review Working Party should include members representing the diversity of the Nominating Committee – including ICANN community members, current and past NomCom members and Chairs.
  • The composition of the NomCom2 Review Working Party will consist of no more than ten members and a Chair. The current 2016 NomCom Chair will serve as interim Chair of the NomCom2 Review Working Party until the Working Party is formed.
  • Knowledge of the Nominating Committee's structure and operations, as well as experience in evaluating performance and processes based on a set of objective criteria, would be useful.
  • Current members of the NomCom are encouraged to get involved in a variety of ways – by participating in and/or giving feedback to the NomCom 2 Review Working Party.
  • Members and participants of the NomCom2 Review Working Party are expected be available from February 2017 to January 2018 for at least one weekly call of approximately 90 minutes, plus additional time for any tasks assigned during that call.
  • Members are expected to participate actively and to devote sufficient time to the process. The average workload is expected to be between one and four hours a week.
  • Travel support will not be provided for members to meet face to face.  If a meeting of the NomCom2 Review Working Party is scheduled during an ICANN meeting, remote participation will be provided.

Call for Volunteers to Submit Applications

This call seeks individuals interested in serving as volunteer team members of the NomCom2 Review Working Party. If you are interested, send an email to nomcom2016@icann.org, and include the following information:

  • Full name
  • Contact email address
  • Gender
  • Country of citizenship
  • Experience as NomCom member or Chair
  • Statement of interest
  • Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee with which you are affiliated (if any)

Working Party Scope of Work

The NomCom2 Review Working Party is an important component of the NomCom2 Review process. The Working Party will be assembled to:

  • Act as a Steering Committee, serving as the primary group working on the 2016–2019 NomCom2 Review.
  • Function as a liaison between the current NomCom, the wider ICANN community, the Independent Examiner, and the Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the Board.
  • Recommend selection criteria for the Independent Examiner.
  • Weigh in on the methodology for the review criteria, including proposing content for online surveys and individuals for interviews.
  • Serve as an additional conduit for input from, and requests to, the current NomCom.
  • Act as a sounding board: offer objective guidance, reactions and comments to any preliminary conclusions and assessment.
  • Help to ensure that the Independent Examiner's report accurately reflects the NomCom's scope, processes and dynamics.
  • Coordinate with the current NomCom to prepare an Implementation Plan and champion implementation of improvement activities.
  • Encourage participation by performing and supporting communication and awareness-building activities.


The NomCom2 Review is scheduled to begin in February 2017 with a Request for Proposal (RFP) for an Independent Examiner. The RFP – which will be provided to the Independent Examiner – will be tightly scoped on the objective, and quantifiable and qualitative criteria.

Activity Estimated Dates Lead
Initial Meeting with NomCom and staff During ICANN56 MSSI Staff/NomCom Support Staff
Formation of NomCom2 Review Working Party September 2016 NomCom Support Staff
Full draft of RFP to share with Review Working Party 30 September 2016 MSSI Staff/Procurement Staff
Feedback on RFP criteria 10 October 2016 NomCom2 Working Party
RFP published 24 October 2016 MSSI Staff
Participants indicate interest in submitting RFP proposal 31 October 2016 RFP Candidates
Participants submit questions to ICANN 4 November 2016 by 23:59 UTC RFP Candidates
ICANN responds to participant questions 9 November 2016 MSSI Staff
Participant proposals due date 18 November 2016 by 23:59 UTC RFP Candidates
Preliminary evaluation of responses 21 November – 9 December 2016 MSSI Staff
Target for participant presentations (finalists) 15-16 December 2016 RFP Candidates/MSSI Staff
Target for final evaluations, contracting and award 16 January2017 MSSI Staff
Start of Review 1 February 2017 Independent Examiner/MSSI Staff
Draft Report for Review Working Party consideration 29 September 2017 Independent Examiner
Draft Report for Public Comment 20 October 2017 MSSI Staff
Self-Evaluation of 2007/2008 Review recommendations 9 January 2018 NomCom2 Working Party
Final Report for discussion with the Review Working Party 28 February 2018 Independent Examiner
Final Report issued and posted 30 March 2018 Independent Examiner/MSSI Staff
Presentation of Final Report and Findings to Organizational Effectiveness Committee April 2018 (depends on Board Committee meeting schedule) MSSI Staff


NomCom Review (2007–2010)

The activities and milestones of the previous NomCom review ran from 2007, when the Independent Examiner started the review, to 2010, when the ICANN Board approved the Implementation Plan.

The Final Report [PDF, 1.11 MB] of the Independent Examiner proposed 17 recommendations. The public comment period resulted in only six submissions (summary of comments). Most were supportive of the recommendations, although some did contain critical feedback.

Status of NomCom Review Implementation

As shown in the Implementation Plan [PDF, 329 KB], all but 1 of the 17 recommendations have been implemented or did not require any action. The only exception was the size and composition of the NomCom itself, which became the subject of the 2014 Board Working Group on NomCom (BWG-NomCom).

The BWG-NomCom's report [PDF, 210 KB] contained 15 recommendations for restructuring the NomCom. Pursuant to its charter [PDF, 45 KB], the working group presented the report to the Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) for review. At the SIC's recommendation, the Board directed staff to post the report for public comment (summary of comments [PDF, 134 KB]).