Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC)

The SSAC is a volunteer group of specialists in the technical security field that provides advice and insight to the ICANN community and the Board.

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SSAC Activities

This page lists the SSAC Activity Reports that describe projects and issues the committee is currently studying, and the SSAC meetings planned during ICANN Public Meetings.

SSAC advisories and reports may be related to data and events that cannot be disclosed at the time of the occurrence or while the committee is studying an issue. For this reason, the SSAC may not always be able to list all of its current work in the SSAC Activity Reports. Previous SSAC Work Plans are available in this archive.

SSAC Activities Update ICANN 57 Hyderabad (English) (pdf, 571.37 KB)
Nov 2016
Nov 2016
SSAC Activities Update ICANN 56 Helsinki (English) (pdf, 531.22 KB)
Jun 2016
Jun 2016
SSAC Activities Update ICANN 55 Marrakech (English) (pdf, 563.29 KB)
Mar 2016
Mar 2016
SSAC Activities Update ICANN 54 Dublin (English) (pdf, 579.12 KB)
Oct 2015
Oct 2015
SSAC Activities Update ICANN 53 Buenos Aires (English) (pdf, 818.25 KB)
Jun 2015
Jun 2015
SSAC Activities Update ICANN 52 Singapore (English) (pdf, 254.12 KB)
Feb 2015
Feb 2015
SSAC Activities Update ICANN 51 Los Angeles (English) (pdf, 1.4 MB)
Oct 2014
Oct 2014
SSAC Activities Update ICANN 50 London (English) (pdf, 1.06 MB)
Jun 2014
Jun 2014
SSAC Activities Update ICANN 49 Singapore (English) (pdf, 3.52 MB)
Mar 2014
Mar 2014
SSAC Public Report: Work Plan for 2013 (English) (pdf, 118.9 KB)

This report, SSAC Public Report on the Work Plan for 2013, is divided into the following sections: Work Plan for 2013 and Work Completed in 2013. The first section describes the SSAC Work Plan for 2013. These are the ideas and preliminary work to develop specific project plans. The second section lists those work products that were produced in 2013.

Mar 2013
Mar 2013
SSAC Activity Report - December 2012 (English) (pdf, 135.67 KB)
Dec 2012
Dec 2012
SSAC Activity Report - June 2012 (English) (pdf, 121.54 KB)
Jun 2012
Jun 2012
SSAC Public Report: Work Plan for 2012 (English) (pdf, 108.78 KB)

This report, SSAC Public Report on the Work Plan for 2012, is divided into the following sections: Work Plan for 2012 and Work Completed in 2011. The first section describes the SSAC Work Plan for 2012. These are the ideas and preliminary work to develop specific project plans. The second section lists those work products that were produced in 2012.

Mar 2012
Mar 2012
SSAC Activity Report - December 2011 (English) (pdf, 115.85 KB)

These Reports are divided into the following sections: Work Plan for 2011 and Work Completed in 2011. The first section, Work Plan for 2011, presents the ideas and preliminary work to develop specific project plans. The second section, Work Completed in 2011, briefly describes the publications that were produced in 2011.

Dec 2011
Dec 2011
SSAC Activity Report - September 2011 (English) (pdf, 114.9 KB)
Sep 2011
Sep 2011
SSAC Activity Report - June 2011 (English) (pdf, 112.33 KB)
Jun 2011
Jun 2011
SSAC Public Report: Work Plan for 2011 (English) (pdf, 110.62 KB)

This report, SSAC Public Report on the Work Plan for 2011, is divided into the following sections: Work Plan for 2011 and Work Completed in 2010. The first section describes the SSAC Work Plan for 2011. These are the ideas and preliminary work to develop specific project plans. The second section lists those work products that were produced in 2010.

Feb 2011
Feb 2011
SSAC Public Report: Work Plan for 2010 (English) (pdf, 120.66 KB)

This report, SSAC Public Report on the Work Plan for 2010, updated in September 2010, is divided into the following sections: Work Plan for 2010 and Work Completed in 2010. The first section, Work Plan for 2010, describes the SSAC Work Plan for 2010. These are the ideas and preliminary work to develop specific project plans. The second section, Work Completed in 2010, lists those work products that were produced as of September 2010.

Sep 2010
Sep 2010
SSAC Public Report: SSAC Activities at ICANN Meeting 21-25 June 2010, Brussels, Belgium (English) (pdf, 97.4 KB)

This an SSAC Public Report on the SSAC Activities at the ICANN Meeting from 21-15 June 2010, in Brussels, Belgium. It is divided into the following sections: SSAC Meetings and SSAC-Related Meetings. The first section, SSAC Meetings, describes the SSAC meetings held at the ICANN meeting. The second section, SSAC-Related Meetings, describes other meetings that are related to SSAC activities or to the security and stability of the Internet.

Jul 2010
Jul 2010
SSAC Public Report: Work Plan for 2010 (English) (pdf, 123.24 KB)

This report, SSAC Public Report on the Work Plan for 2010, is divided into the following sections: Work Plan for 2010 and Work Completed in 2009. The first section, Work Plan for 2010, describes the SSAC Work Plan for 2010. These are the ideas and preliminary work to develop specific project plans. The second section, Work Completed in 2009, lists those work products that were produced in 2009.

Feb 2010
Feb 2010