Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) Registry Agreements

gTLD Registry Agreements establish the rights, duties, liabilities, and obligations ICANN requires of registry operators to run gTLDs.

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gTLD Registry Agreements

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Top-level domains (TLDs) can include Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs).

obi Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredOBI Group Holding SE & Co. KGaAactive25 Sep 2014
observer Base, Non-SponsoredFegistry, LLCactive30 Apr 2015
off Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredJohnson Shareholdings, Inc.terminated23 Jul 2015
office Base, Non-SponsoredMicrosoft Corporationactive12 Mar 2015
okinawa Base, Non-SponsoredBRregistry, Inc.active5 Dec 2013
olayan Base, Non-SponsoredCompetrol (Luxembourg) Sarlactive14 May 2015
olayangroup Base, Non-SponsoredCompetrol (Luxembourg) Sarlactive14 May 2015
oldnavy Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredThe Gap, Inc.terminated31 Jul 2015
ollo Base, Non-SponsoredDish DBS Corporationactive4 Jun 2015
omega Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredThe Swatch Group Ltdactive8 Jan 2015
one Base, A/Sactive7 Nov 2014
ong Base, Community (Spec 12), Non-SponsoredPublic Interest Registryactive6 Mar 2014
onl Base, Non-SponsorediRegistry GmbHactive16 Sep 2013
online Base, Non-SponsoredRadix Technologies Inc.active15 Jan 2015
onyourside Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredNationwide Mutual Insurance Companyterminated23 Jul 2015
ooo Base, Non-SponsoredINFIBEAM AVENUES LIMITEDactive9 Jan 2014
open Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredAmerican Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.active31 Jul 2015
oracle Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredOracle Corporationactive19 Jun 2014
orange Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredOrange Brand Services Limitedactive12 Mar 2015
org Base, Non-SponsoredPublic Interest Registryactive30 Jun 2019
obi Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredOBI Group Holding SE & Co. KGaA
25 Sep 2014
observer Base, Non-SponsoredFegistry, LLC
30 Apr 2015
off Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredJohnson Shareholdings, Inc.
23 Jul 2015
office Base, Non-SponsoredMicrosoft Corporation
12 Mar 2015
okinawa Base, Non-SponsoredBRregistry, Inc.
5 Dec 2013
olayan Base, Non-SponsoredCompetrol (Luxembourg) Sarl
14 May 2015
olayangroup Base, Non-SponsoredCompetrol (Luxembourg) Sarl
14 May 2015
oldnavy Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredThe Gap, Inc.
31 Jul 2015
ollo Base, Non-SponsoredDish DBS Corporation
4 Jun 2015
omega Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredThe Swatch Group Ltd
8 Jan 2015
one Base, A/S
7 Nov 2014
ong Base, Community (Spec 12), Non-SponsoredPublic Interest Registry
6 Mar 2014
onl Base, Non-SponsorediRegistry GmbH
16 Sep 2013
online Base, Non-SponsoredRadix Technologies Inc.
15 Jan 2015
onyourside Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredNationwide Mutual Insurance Company
23 Jul 2015
9 Jan 2014
open Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredAmerican Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.
31 Jul 2015
oracle Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredOracle Corporation
19 Jun 2014
orange Base, Brand (Spec 13), Non-SponsoredOrange Brand Services Limited
12 Mar 2015
org Base, Non-SponsoredPublic Interest Registry
30 Jun 2019
25 Sep 2014
30 Apr 2015
23 Jul 2015
12 Mar 2015
5 Dec 2013
14 May 2015
14 May 2015
31 Jul 2015
4 Jun 2015
8 Jan 2015
7 Nov 2014
6 Mar 2014
16 Sep 2013
15 Jan 2015
23 Jul 2015
9 Jan 2014
31 Jul 2015
19 Jun 2014
12 Mar 2015
30 Jun 2019