Public Comment

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  • English

Name: Vanda Regina Teijeira Scartezini
Date:1 Jul 2024
Affiliation: NOMCOM 2024
Other Comments

Since 2011 I have been involved with this issue first invited by .cn to help in this discussion and have learned from Chinese friends about the Han characters, the SSAC discussion etc. Considering all issues related to Chinese Han are now considered and solved, I am totally in favor of allowing Chinese Han single Characters for the new round of gTLDs expected to run in 2026.

I do not express any views about Japanese and Korean HAN, since I was not involved with those, and hence have no knowledge about them.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

Summary of Submission

Finally after so many years with solved questions, I am totally in favor to allow Chinese Han single Characters as new gTLD in the next gTLD round in 2026. having no knowledge about Japanese and Korean Han I refrain from any comment.