Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.

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  • English

Name: Myint Myint Than
Date:3 Mar 2022
Affiliation: MyanmarGP
1. Overall, does the proposal meet its goal of defining Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) labels for the Myanmar script that are suitable for the root zone?
2. In your view, are there any required technical changes to the proposal? Please list with explanation.

Summary of Submission

With the great efforts of Myanmar Generation Panel, it was successfully finished rule sets for IDN-Root Zone LGRs for the Myanmar script, during the difficult time.

It is covered different sets of Myanmar script used in big ethnic groups like Shan, Mon, Pa'O, etc.

Also thanks to ICANN for giving a chance to develop LGRs for the Myanmar script.