Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.

closed Phase 2 Initial Report of the EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names

RequestersGeneric Names Supporting Organization (GNSO)


The Public Comment proceeding was open during 11 April 2024 through 21 May 2024. The period was not extended but the EPDP-IDNs leadership team accepted one (1) late submission, at their discretion.

The EPDP-IDNs Team received a total of eight (8) submissions from groups, organizations, and individuals. The comments received will greatly support the Team to continue with deliberations for the final output, including the development of final recommendations and implementation guidance, where they will conduct a thorough review of all the comments received and consider whether any changes need to be made to the Preliminary Output.

What We Received Input On

The EPDP Team is seeking input on its twenty (20) preliminary recommendations, which focus on Phase 2 questions included in the EPDP Team’s charter on the following topics:

  • “Same entity” at the second-level and IDN Table harmonization
  • Adjustments in registry agreement, registry service, registry transition process, and other processes/procedures related to the domain name lifecycle
  • Adjustments in registration dispute-resolution procedures and trademark protection mechanisms
  • Process to update the IDN Implementation Guidelines 

In short, this Phase 2 Initial Report covers issues pertaining to second-level variant management. As a reminder, Phase 1 covered topics related to the top-level Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) definition and variant management, including sixty-nine (69) recommendations which received the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council’s approval, and is currently awaiting Board’s consideration.

Input on all areas of the preliminary recommendations and/or the whole Initial Report will be greatly appreciated for the EPDP Team to factor in your input during the course of drafting the Final Report policy recommendations. Kindly note that this Public Comment opportunity is presented as a series of structured questions. It is important that any comment provided includes a rationale to ensure that the EPDP Team understands the concern or issue that is raised.

Proposals For Your Input
EPDP IDNs Phase 2 Initial Report


In May 2021, the GNSO Council voted to initiate the EPDP-IDNs that was tasked to:

  • Determine the approach for a consistent definition of all gTLDs; and 
  • Develop policy recommendations that will eventually allow for the introduction of variant gTLDs at the top-level. 

The EPDP Team’s deliberation built on the existing body of policy work, research, and analysis on the IDN subject, specifically the Outputs produced by the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process (SubPro PDP). The Team’s focus was to fill the following gaps not addressed by the SubPro PDP:  

  • Apply SubPro PDP Outputs to existing IDN gTLDs and second-level variant domains; 
  • Operationalize SubPro PDP Outputs for gTLD variant labels through the New gTLD Program; 
  • Deliberate on topics not discussed by SubPro PDP but identified in other previous work on IDNs.

In November 2022, the Council approved an EPDP Team request to divide its work into two phases, with Phase 1 covering topics related to top-level gTLD definition and variant management and Phase 2 issues pertaining to second-level variant management. The two-phased approach was intended to allow the EPDP Team to focus on the charter questions that are most likely to impact the implementation of the Next Round of the new gTLDs and avoid potential delays.

As a result, the EPDP Team submitted its Phase 1 Final Report to the GNSO Council in November 2023. The Council approved the Final Report, including all sixty-nine (69) policy recommendations, and it is now awaiting the Board’s consideration.

Supporting Information

Supporting Information
Security and Stability Advisory Committee Advice relevant to IDNs
EPDP Team Charter
IDN Variant TLD Management paper developed by ICANN org
EPDP Wiki Space
IDN-related Outputs under Topic 25 in the SubPro PDP Final Report
The EPDP Team has already completed Phase 1 of the EPDP on IDNs, covering topics related to top-level gTLDs definition and variant management, which presented sixty-nine (69) recommendations. The following report is currently awaiting the Board’s consideration
EPDP Phase 1 Final Report
Security and Stability Advisory Committee Advice relevant to IDNs