Public Comment

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Name: Rubens Kuhl
Date:28 Feb 2024
Other Comments

The dichotomy suggested in the report between IPv6 and Controlled Interruption is not based on fact-based finding, but on lack of testing. ::1 (meaning ::1/128 as in IPv6 there is no localhost subnet, only a localhost) is a perfectly good solution to add IPv6 support to Controlled Interruption, targeting IPv6-only hosts. I support doing a study with a few key operating systems to confirm its usefulness and lack of side effects before the final report is published, so it gets quicker to a name collision framework without reconvening NCAP DG.

On VI/VIN, the staff analysis of privacy risks makes a strong case for not adopting VIN at all. But VI seems possible, so some work on VI (notably on defining possible legal basis) can increase the odds of VI making part of the final framework. While I'm personally not a strong supporter of VI, the decision of including VI or not should be based on its merits, and there seems to be a number of DG members that believe it has merits.

Summary of Attachment

Summary of Submission

The dichotomy suggested in the report between IPv6 and Controlled Interruption is not based on fact-based finding, but on lack of testing. ::1 (meaning ::1/128 as in IPv6 there is no localhost subnet, only a localhost) is a perfectly good solution to add IPv6 support to Controlled Interruption, targeting IPv6-only hosts. I support doing a study with a few key operating systems to confirm its usefulness and lack of side effects before the final report is published, so it gets quicker to a name collision framework without reconvening NCAP DG.

On VI/VIN, the staff analysis of privacy risks makes a strong case for not adopting VIN. But VI seems possible, so some work on VI (notably on defining possible legal basis) can increase the odds of VI making part of the final framework. While I'm personally not a strong supporter of VI, the decision of including VI or not should be based on its merits, and there seems to be a number of DG members that believe it has merits.