Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.

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  • English

Name: Elizabeth G. Harris
Date: 8 Aug 2022
Are you providing input on behalf of another group (e.g., organization, company, government)?
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 1.
No opinion
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Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 3.
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Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 5.
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Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 11.
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Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 12.
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Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 13.
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Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 14.
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Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 15.
No opinion
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 16.
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Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 17.
No opinion
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 18.
No opinion
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 19.
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Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 20.
No opinion
Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 21.
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Please choose your level of support for Preliminary Recommendation 22.
No opinion
Are there any recommendations the Working Group has not considered? If yes, please provide details below.

Having devoted 100,000 work hours and millions of dollars over 25 years in the domain industry, we are scared to death about a new fragile, less secure transfer policy. Cybercrime, theft is always on the rise, not decline. The discussion of Security should being more stringent not less and should be debated carefully not rushed.

ICANN should extend the deadline for submissions to at least the end of September 2022 if not longer. The end of summer is a terrible time for input from people, as is the holiday season from mid November to mid January.

Summary of Submission

Extend deadline.