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Preliminary Report Resolutions of Special Board Meeting 11 December 2008

(Posted 18 December 2008)

[Formal Minutes are still to be approved by the ICANN Board]

 This is a preliminary report of the approved resolutions resulting from the Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors, which took place on 11 December 2008. This has not been approved by the Board and does not constitute minutes but a preliminary attempt to capture the resolutions from that meeting. Details on voting and abstentions will be provided in the Board's Minutes.

1. Minutes of 1 October 2008

Approval of Minutes

Approved Resolution –

It is, Resolved (2008-12-11-01) that the Minutes of the Special Board Meeting of 1 October 2008 are hereby approved.

2. New gTLD Implementation Issues –Briefing and Discussion

3. 2009-2012 Strategic Plan – Briefing and Discussion

4. Report from Internet Governance Forum in Hyderabad -- Briefing and Discussion - Conversation held in Confidence

5. United States Elections Results Transition Discussion – Briefing and Discussion - Conversation held in Confidence

6. Report on the ALAC Conference in Mexico City –Briefing and Discussion

7. GNSO Improvements / Implementation -- Briefing and Discussion

8. Role of Individual Users in GNSO – Briefing and Action

Approved Resolution

Whereas, the Board has received varying recommendations on registrant and user involvement in the GNSO, and the issue of how to incorporate the legitimate interests of individual Internet users in constructive yet non-duplicative ways remains an open issue that affects GNSO restructuring.

Resolved, (2008-12-11-02) the Board requests that members of the GNSO community work with members of the ALAC/At-Large community and representatives of potential new "non-commercial" constituencies to jointly develop a recommendation for the composition and organizational structure of a Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group that does not duplicate the ALAC and its supporting structures, yet ensures that the gTLD interests of individual Internet users (along with the broader non-commercial community) are effectively represented within the GNSO. This recommendation should be submitted no later than 24 January 2009 for consideration by the Board.

9. Board Only Session – Session without Staff

Session Adjourned