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Executive Committee Meeting - Preliminary Report 1 February 2008

The Executive Committee of the ICANN Board of Directors met via teleconference on 1 February 2008. Chairman Peter Dengate Thrush opened the meeting at 1.00 PM PDT US. The following Executive Committee Members attended the meeting: Peter Dengate Thrush (Chair), Raimundo Beca, Roberto Gaetano, Rita Rodin and Paul Twomey. John Jeffrey, General Counsel & Secretary; Paul Levins, Vice President, Corporate Affairs; and, Kurt Pritz, Senior Vice President, Services also attended the Meeting.

The following items were discussed:

A) Executive Committee unanimously approved the following agenda for the 15 February 2008 Special Meeting of the Board:

-- Regular Board Meeting - Friday, 15 February 2008 --


(As set by the Executive Committee of the ICANN Board of Directors)

  1. Approval of Minutes of January 2008 Board Meeting

  2. Approval of ICANN Accountability and Transparency Frameworks

  3. Review of Board Governance Committee Recommendations

    Possible BGC Actions

    (Ombudsman Framework)

    (Bylaws Mandated Reviews Update)

  4. Review of Board Finance Committee Recommendations

    Possible BFC Actions

    (Funds Disbursement and Approvals Policy)

    (Budget Next Steps)

  5. Review of Board Audit Committee Recommendations

    Possible Audit Committee Actions

    (Approval of Auditor)

  6. New gTLDs - Next Steps

  7. Acknowledging Receipt of DNSSEC Recommendations from SSAC

  8. ICANN Bylaws Change Request from ALAC

  9. IDNs (update on IDNc discussions and technical test)

  10. Other Business

B) Executive Committee unanimously approved the following discussion topics agenda for the 10 February 2008 Board Workshop in New Delhi:

  1. New gTLDs (briefing on implementation work)

  2. Discussion of Domain Tasting Issues (status report)

  3. GNSO Improvements (briefing on proposed final report)

  4. Bylaws Mandated Reviews (status report)

  5. At-Large Bylaw change (status report)

  6. IPV6 Discussion (status report and discussion of issues)

  7. Second-Level Single Letter Domains (discussion of issues)

  8. JPA Discussions Update (status report)

  9. POST Agreement  (discussion of outstanding issues)

  10. Review of Board Meeting Agenda and Proposed Actions (not covered above)

  11. Presentation of Board Tools, Calendar, et. Al

  12. Discussion of Riga Board Workshop Agenda

  13. Any questions regarding other papers provided by Staff

The Meeting was formally adjourned at 2:21 PM PDT US.