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Structural Improvements Committee Meeting Minutes 9 April 2010

SIC Attendees: Ray Plzak – Chair, Raimundo Beca, George Sadowsky, Mike Silber, and Jonne Soininen, and Jean-Jacques Subrenat

Staff Attendees: David Olive - Vice President, Policy Development; Samantha Eisner, Marco Lorenzoni, Diane Schroeder , and Amy Stathos

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken and actions identified:

  1. The meeting was called to order at 15:07 UTC.
  2. Reviewed the status of action items identified at the previous meeting. The following action items were carried over:
    • Actions:
      • Staff to provide future updates to the SIC on progress on NCSG charter.
      • Staff to provide future updates to the SIC when GNSO Improvements implementation issues arise that merit SIC or Board action.
  3. Discussed the status of work by three SIC member volunteers (George Sadowsky, Mike Silber and Jonne Soininen) to propose criteria for measurement of affirmations of the constituencies.
    • Action:
      • SIC volunteers to have draft of criteria for review before SIC meeting in May.
  4. Discussed the potential terms of reference and proposed methodology for a review of the ASO, as required under the ICANN Bylaws.
    • Actions:
      • Chief Operating Officer to confirm appointment of staff support for review of ASO.
      • SIC members to review proposed terms of reference and methodology and provide comments by email in advance of the May meeting of the SIC.
  5. Discussed the proposed review of the TLG and the need for confirmation on ICANN budget availability for this review prior to moving forward.
    • Action:
      • Upon receipt, SIC chair to forward budget information regarding the proposed review of the TLG to SIC.
  6. Discussed the continuing work needed to achieve the seating of a voting member of the Board as selected by the At-Large community, including the need to coordinate with the Board Governance Committee (BGC) on the authentication and governance related issues that must be addressed prior to finalization. The SIC Chair confirmed that there is clear intent to have this seating achieved at the 2010 Annual General Meeting.
    • Action:
      • SIC Chair to coordinate with BGC chair regarding discussion of authentication and governance related issues and report back to SIC.
  7. Discussed staff’s informational paper noting the recommendations arising out of the SSAC, Nominating Committee and Board review Working Group final reports and proposing potential next steps to work toward implementation of the recommendations.
    • Action:
      • SIC members to review the staff proposal on implementation of Working Group recommendations and provide comments and feedback by email in sufficient time for the SIC to form a recommendation to the Board at the SIC’s meeting in May.
  8. Discussed preparations for the SIC meeting in May.
    • Actions:
      • Staff to confirm meeting schedule.
      • SIC members to engage in discussion by email, as possible, to prepare for a productive meeting.
  9. The meeting was adjourned at 15:49 UTC.