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Board Risk Committee (RC) Meeting – Minutes 12 May 2011

RC Attendees: Steve Crocker (Chair), Rajasekhar Ramaraj and Bruce Tonkin

Apologies: Mike Silber and Suzanne Woolf

Staff Attendees: Patrick Jones, Denise Michel, Diane Schroeder, Ken Shiu and Amy Stathos

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken and actions identified:

  1. The Committee reviewed and approved minutes of the prior BRC meeting held on 13 March 2011.

  2. The Committee discussed the need to ensure the Board has been provided with a final risk review, including staff's risk analysis, planning and risk mitigation measures, in relation to the New gTLD Program. The committee noted the final briefing as a necessary due diligence step to be performed by the Board prior to any voting decision on the New gTLD Program.

    • Actions:

      • Staff to update the risk analysis report for the new gTLD program and circulate to the Committee

      • The Committee to schedule a briefing session for the Board at the board workshop during the Singapore meeting

  3. Staff provided the Committee with an update on the current status and internal monitoring of progress on ICANN's various responsibilities under the Affirmation of Commitments (AoC) reviews and the status of the preliminary implementation plans, which have been published.

    • Action: Staff to provide the committee with a risk and impact analysis of contingency scenarios in the event of implementation delays due to external resources.

  4. Staff discussed strategic and long-term scenario planning issues. The Committee noted that the issues discussed should already be captured in the current enterprise risk management framework and subject to regular assessment under the framework. The Committee instructed staff to verify the inclusion of these issues in the framework.

    • Action: Staff to ensure and verify issues are reflected in the current framework.

  5. At Committee Chair's request, staff provided briefing to committee on third party paper relating to insider theft of intellectual property or assets.

    • Action: Staff to determine if applicable to organization.

  6. Staff discussed proposed agenda items for the next committee meeting in Singapore.