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Board Governance Committee (BGC) Minutes, First Meeting 9 December 2010

BGC Attendees: Dennis Jennings – chair; Ram Mohan, and Raymond Plzak

Apologies: Rita Rodin Johnston

Staff Attendees: John Jeffrey – General Counsel and Secretary, and Amy Stathos

The following is a summary of discussion, actions taken and actions identified:

  1. Board Committee Slating:  Discussed slating recommendations for Board Committee membership and approved and recommended revised slate for Board approval.

  2. Board GAC Working Group – The BGC confirmed the action taken without a meeting by recommending that the Board approve placing Bertrand de La Chapelle and Gonzalo Navarro on the Board-GAC Joint Working to take over for Raimundo Beca and Jean-Jacques Subrenat who have vacated their positions on the WG.

  3. SO/AC Board Member Term Transition – Resolved to recommend that the Board approve extending the public comment on SO/AC term ending dates and direct the Secretary to provide notice to the SO and AC Chairs of the extension of the public comment.

    • Action:  Staff to put to Board for a vote.

  4. Reconsideration Request 10-2:  The BGC discussed Reconsideration Request 10-2, as amended, and made a recommendation to the Board that the Request be denied as unsupported.  The BGC did recommend, however, that the Board direct the CEO and the General Counsel and Secretary to ensure that the contractual compliance department closely monitor Employ Media’s implementation of the program at issue in the Reconsideration.  The BGC also recommended that the Board direct the CEO to create a briefing paper for the GNSO to consider on this matter, and for the GNSO to determine whether a policy development process should be commenced.

    • Action:  Staff to post recommendation and put to Board for a vote.

  5. Conflicts of Interest – The Committee confirmed that available conflicts of interest statements have been reviewed and considered.

  6. Minutes – The Committee approved the Preliminary Report from the 4 December 2010 meeting.