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Adopted Resolutions | Special Meeting of the Board 15 November 2004

Redelegation of .ZA (South Africa)

Whereas, the .za Domain Name Authority has requested the redelegation of the .ZA (South Africa) ccTLD.

Whereas, the South African Parliament passed the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 25 of 2002 under which the .za Domain Name Authority (a non-profit South African corporation) was designated to accept redelegation of the South African ccTLD (.za).

Whereas, the local Internet community and government appear to support the proposed redelegation.

Whereas, the current contacts for the ccTLD both agree to the redelegation.

Whereas, ICANN and IANA staff have been in discussions with the proposed redelegee and recommend the approval of the redelegation.

Resolved [04.92] that the proposed redelegation of .ZA to the .za Domain Name Authority is approved.

[This resolution was unanimously approved by the Board.]

Redelegation of .FO (Faroe Islands)

Whereas, the FO Council has requested the redelegation of the .FO (Faroe Islands) ccTLD.

Whereas, the local Internet community and government appear to support the proposed redelegation.

Whereas, the current contacts for the ccTLD both agree to the redelegation.

Whereas, ICANN and IANA staff have been in discussions with the proposed redelegee and recommend the approval of the redelegation.

Whereas, the FO Council was recognized by the Faroese Minister of Trade and Industry and established by the local Internet community in January 2001.

Whereas, in 2002 the FO Council implemented new domain name regulations and established FO-Umsitingin (the FO-administration). The FO Council has accepted to become the sponsoring organisation for the ccTLD .FO.

Resolved [04.93] that the proposed redelegation of .FO to the FO Council is approved.

[This resolution was unanimously approved by the Board.]

Global Name Registry (.NAME) Request for Extension to Implement Extensible Provisioning Protocol v1.0

Whereas, GNR, the ICANN-designated operator of the .name registry has requested an extension of time for the implementation of EPP.

Whereas, the gTLD registries and registrars continue to work together to foster a coordinated plan for implementation of the EPP v.1 across all gTLD registries.

Whereas, granting the requested extension would allow for a smooth transition and implementation of EPP v1.0 and would be beneficial for the both the .name registry and registrars.

Resolved [04.94], the President and General Counsel are authorized to extend the .name registry EPP implementation deadline for a reasonable time to allow for its introduction in coordination with other gTLD registries and registrars.

[The Board passed this resolution 9-0 with one abstention from Mr. Markovski.]

Approval of Directors' Expense Reimbursements

Whereas, Article VI, Section 22 of the ICANN bylaws provides that the Board may authorize the reimbursement of actual and necessary reasonable expenses incurred by Directors performing their duties as Directors;

Whereas, the following expenses, incurred by Directors during the current fiscal year, did not receive prior approval: Hagen Hultzsch . for travel to the EGENI meeting in Paris in July 2004 . total expense of $955.66; Alejandro Pisanty . for travel to the ICANN office for meetings with CEO & staff in July 2004 . total expense of $383.01; Tricia Drakes . for travel to the ICANN office for meetings with CEO & staff in August 2004 . total expense of $4811.53; Veni Markovski . for travel to the WSIS meeting in Geneva in July 2004 and to the ICANN office for meetings with the staff in September 2004 . total expense of $4020.49; Njeri Rionge . for travel to the ICANN office for meetings with CEO & staff in October 2004 - total expense of $4,925.80.

Whereas, it was not practicable for the Board to approve these expenses in advance of such travel and each Director has presented documentation of those expenses, and the Board finds those expenses to be actual and necessary reasonable expenses in performance of each of the Director's respective duties as ICANN Directors;

Resolved [04.95] that the Board hereby authorizes the reimbursement of expenses to Directors as follows: Hagen Hultzsch . for travel to the EGENI meeting in Paris in July 2004 . total expense of $955.66; Alejandro Pisanty . for travel to the ICANN office for meetings with CEO & staff in July 2004 . total expense of $383.01; Tricia Drakes . for travel to the ICANN office for meetings with CEO & staff in August 2004 . total expense of $4811.53; Veni Markovski . for travel to the WSIS meeting in Geneva in July 2004 and to the ICANN office for meetings with the staff in September 2004 . total expense of $4020.49; Njeri Rionge . for travel to the ICANN office for meetings with CEO & staff in October 2004 - total expense of $4,925.80.

[This resolution was unanimously approved by the Board.]

Extension of Marina del Rey Office Lease

Whereas, the University of Southern California, from which the Corporation currently subleases its offices in Marina del Rey, has offered to extend the sublease for one year from 1 October 2005 to 30 September 2006.

Whereas, the Board determines that the extension of this sublease is in the best interests of the organization;

Resolved [04.96] that the President and General Counsel are authorized on behalf of ICANN to enter into an extension to the lease for ICANN's present offices in Marina del Rey for an additional year, with rent plus property taxes and utilities not to exceed US$300,000 for this period, consistent with this year.s and previous years' budgets.

[This resolution was unanimously approved by the Board.]